
One life: Uke it.

We are an established ukulele band meeting each Wednesday evening in Bridgnorth

What we do

We are an enthusiastic bunch of folk from all walks of life who get together each week for a session of playing ukuleles and singing. We all started with no knowledge of ukulele playing (or music in general, for that matter) but week by week, with the help of the other players they showed us what to do and, as time went by, we became familiar with our instruments and how to play them.

It may be assumed that we play “Ukulele Music”, such as George Formby or ‘Hula, hula baby’ type songs, but no, we play a wide range of rock, pop, reggae etc. (We do have one George Formby song in case of emergencies).


Have ukes, will travel. We can put a band together for your charity event or any other worthwhile cause. Just get in touch.

Readers: We are always grateful for any content which we receive to add to our webpage. Photographs or videos of us performing, as well as any articles of interest can be sent to

Why not join us?

We meet every Wednesday night between 7:00 – 10:00 pm at the Bylet Bowling Club. If you are interested in learning the joys of playing uke and singing with a friendly, enthusiastic group of players, just come along. No need to read music. No experience necessary. We do ask for a small contribution of £2.00 to cover club related expenses such as equipment, venue hire, website, etc. Excess funds are donated to charity

Facebook page: We also have a Facebook page which can be accessed by either the link or QR Code above. This is a useful way of contacting us and we would always welcome photos/videos of the band from our audiences.